That's when all the trouble started. I never really had an issue with the things I was told to do until about my 10th grade year. The year I REALLY discovered boys and how wonderfully full of shit they were. I discovered weed that year. I discovered everything that a parent wants their child NOT to discover. Needless to say, I was off the chain. Now I never was a freak joint, nor was I extremely fast...but I was definitely speedin' in the left lane, lol. By this school year, most of my friends had been sexually active for 2 years or more. I wasn't. But damn if I won't real cute, lol. All the older boys wanted to talk to me...especially when they realized how young I was....taking my age for lack of knowledge.
Without telling all my damn business, I'll just say I really enjoyed my sophmore year of highschool. I was on Homecoming Court and just all around that was MY year. I was that bitch, lol. The men loved me....the bitches didn't, lol. I loved it. Fast forward to my junior year. I was on a whole 'nother level this school year. I was skipping school like nobody's business, sneakin' out the house, smokin' all day everyday...I was a mess. Looking back, it is so sad how grown I thought I was. 14 years old when I started 11th grade and turned 15 later that September!!! 14 smoking like a rasta. 15 skipping school to do God knows what. It was a shame. I am still regretful about that school year to this date. I hurt my family in so many ways. I always say if I was ever given a chance to do it over I would start with the 10th grade year (because I was the shit) and really act right 11th grade year.
Flash to senior year. Everything is starting out smooth. I'm 15 getting ready to turn 16 on the 21st of September(<---SHAMELESS plug). I've promised my whole family that I'm going to do right...turn over a new leaf. Things are going pretty well. That November my older cousin/best friend/partner in crime finds out she is pregnant. She was about 21 at the time. I joked her so bad. We used to party hard and we looooooved to flirt with the fellas. "Guess yo' ass won't be in a bikini THIS summer, LMAO. Guess it's gon' be a HOT summer for YOU. Shiiiiiiiiiiiiittttt.....wouldn't be me, LMAO!!!!" Flash to January 2003. I haven't come on my cycle. Aww shit. I go to pick up my paycheck from my old job. My cousin is with me and before I head to the manager's office I went to the bathroom to take a test. I left it with my cousin. After I got my check I went back to the bathroom. When I opened the door my cousin said, with all the joy she could muster, aaaaallll the same things I said to her. I can't even remember my reaction. I just remember thinking "I'm gonna have a baby." Abortion never ONCE crossed my mind. Never. Even at 16. Before I got pregnant I never thought I would be in college. Sure, I've always been extremely smart. Some people even go so far as to say that I'm one of the smartest people they know. I had always pictured my life as that of a Socialite. Education was NOWHERE on my list of priorities. Then I found myself pregnant. WTF?!?! Flash to August 23, 2003. I first laid eyes on my little lady this day. From the moment I saw her I knew my life had to change. I had to go to college. How else could I give this angel all the things my mother didn't give me?* How else could I stress to her how important it is to do well in school? How else could I afford to give her a comfortable lifestyle? Clearly, she didn't ask to be born to a 16 year old mother and 18 year old father. Why should she have to suffer?
That day I decided I would begin school as soon as possible. I was working a mediocre job at freakin' Pizza Hut and I didn't have a car or a license. School started the day she was born so I wasn't able to enroll at the local community college until January 2004. I took one class first. Then I moved up to two. Then three. I took a couple classes here and there until I had enough credits to transfer comfortably.
August 2007 I started my first semester at ODU. (GO MONARCHS!!!!) I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THE SCHOOL. On my daughter's 5th birthday I will begin the first semester of my SENIOR YEAR! It's been a long time coming. It's been a struggle, with a lot of highs and even more lows. But, I'm realizing my dream. To be a good example to my daughter. I want to show her that I worked hard to go from a 16 year old mom with no vision to a 22 year old college GRADUATE. Last semester I was inducted into Sigma Tau Delta...the English Honor Fraternity. It was the first achievement, or award...recognition or whatever, since I can remember.

My dream is coming true. I'm making something out of nothing, and I couldn't be more excited.No matter what your setback is, there are ways around, over, under, or through it. Find the best route and take it.
Very inspirational story. I think I may send this to a few people. A friend of mine told me he needs inspiration to go back to school, so I've been doing all I can to try to motivate him. Hopefully, your story will help.
ReplyDeleteCongrats girly!