I've fallen in love with some stuff lately. Like to hear it, here it go...

I've always been in love with chocolate chip cookies. Damn if Royal Farms (a gas station) don't make the best ones. Them shits are CRACK! So chewy. So soft. Perfection. What's real sad is that the chicks in there know me. Everytime I go in I buy 5 bags (3 for .99 per bag). And everytime they get an attitude. Now I try to remain calm and refrain from reminding these bitches that no one dragged their ass to this damn gas station and forced them to work here. DO YOUR JOB BITCH AND GIVE ME MY DAMN COOKIES! At least I never completely clean them out. I always leave at least one stack for the other customers.
Which brings me to my next point. One of my biggest pet peeves is bad customer service. I hate when people act like they don't want to be at work. Don't get me wrong, I know we all have our bad days, myself included...but damn! I know ya'll have been somewhere and you can tell damn well that the person doesn't want to help you. From restaurants to the movie theatre. Seriously, if you don't wanna help me find the shoes in my size then bitch don't work at Dillard's SHOE DEPARTMENT. Get a fuckin' clue and go get a job you like. Two nights ago (and I know Iwas wrong) me and my homegirl went to McDonald's, placed a small order, and pull up to the first window. We were met with this greasy ass chick with this bitch ass look on her face. I asked 'How much?' She mumbled some shit under her breath. I repeated 'How much?' She said 'I saaaiiiiiid 7.26.' I looked left, right, in front of my car, behind my car....'cuz I KNOW this chick ain't talkin' to me. My homegirl sees the shit is about to hit the fan so she reminds me to keep it ladylike. I took a deep, DEEP breath and handed her a $10. While I was waiting for the change my homegirl is like 'What the fuck is wrong with that bitch?' I thought about it for a second and could not come up with any reason for her to be talking to me, a complete stranger, like that. Now judging from her blue and burgandy 27 piece, I could assume she was from 12th Street in Downtown Newport News somedamnwhere (<--that's called an infix- your English lesson for the day). I decided to do something nice for the less fortunate. As she was about to hand me my change, I said 'You know what go 'head and keep that...get your damn hair done or something. I'd be mad as hell if I was pushing 30 working here too. Greasy bitch.' I pulled off before she could respond or else my ass may have been fighting Rasputia's big sister.
Check me out if you can on Tuesday and Thursday from 1-2 at http://www.woduradio.com/. DJ Honey B. definitely brings you the business.
yeah I have been bumping Solange's album too... so much better than I was expecting... T.O.N.Y. is my jam!
ReplyDeleteI am cracking up on the 12th Street downtown Newport News chick...she was probably mad cause she had to go in to work. I'm like you, she should have just not applied there if she didn't want to work. You got so many people who are trying to get a job and there are lazy m-effers like her who makes it bad.