But FIRST, I need to graduate. Suga definitely properly diagnosed me with SENIORITIS!!!! And it's teeeeeeerrrrrible ya'll. I can't bring myself to read anything or complete half of my assignments. I got about 7 weeks left to get it together and I know I can do it.
I don't know if any of ya'll have tried to tune in to my show. I haven't been on-air in about 2 weeks. Somebody got a damn virus on the computer...so, until further notice, all shows have been put on hold.
I'm almost finished reading The Secret Life of Bees. Pretty good book. The thing that keeps fuckin' with my head is that Rosaleen in the book seems much older, bigger, and overall more slave-like than J.Hud*. I haven't seen the movie yet, so I'm curious as to how they will play those roles...particularly J. Hud and Queen. AND, I can't wait to join in on the discussion with We Be Readin' Books...and Shit book club. (For info on that check out the Naked and Natural blog on the left)
And now for the big news:
Last night, I met one of my all-time FAVORITE authors....which is why I'm pretty much, almost, kinda, famous now! Well, ask me who it is. "Who's the author Honey?" Aight, aight, damn ya'll ain't gotta rush me!
WALTER DAMN MOSLEY!!!!! oK!!!! I love this man. He was so damn cool too, the shit was ridiculous. He talked to the audience about living "The Literary Life"...he was funny. He walked in the room, wearing his signature all black, and took my breath away. Only a true lover of the written word could possibly feel this way just from seeing an author. Most people, including my man, don't give a damn. I was so excited to tell him that I'd gotten the chance to talk to him for a few and take a picture with him....this Grammy winning, critically acclaimed crafter of words. This man who takes the problems of Black men and puts it into words so fluidly and vividly that even white women understand. I love Walter Mosley. And he loves me too...come on now, ya'll see him all up on me in the picture, LMAO!
This one older lady was clearly throwin' the pussy at him from all angles, lol!. I mean she got her book signed and gave him what I assumed was the smoldering eye. She laughed, throwing her head back...I presume this was so that she could elongate her neck and get her face out of the way of her breasts, which were one sneeze away from being on the table. The kicker, though, was when she jumped into the line next to the book-signing to BUY ANOTHER book. She got BACK in line and waited again until she got back to Mosley. This time she pulled the same flirtatious bullshit only to be pushed to the side when he declared that it was "time to take this picture with Honey". Heeeey. He know my name ya'll. LOL! I saw my old African American Lit professor there and made her take a pic with us too. She said I was embarrassing her...but I assured her it was ok ('cuz shit i'm famous too now). I'm so glad he came here. Obama was here last night too...but since I've already seen him I had to go check out the reading.
It sucks that none of my friends are into the type of reading that I'm into. I'm not knocking Girls in da Hood 1-14, but I enjoy real (in my eyes) literature. (When asked about "Urban Lit", Mosley said he couldn't be mad at anybody reading a book. And once they get bored with that they'd go looking for some more enriching material...just a matter of time.) I couldn't even brag to any of them who I'd met, talked to, and took a picture with. Because 1. they wouldn't know who he was and 2. they wouldn't care if they did. Wish I knew more people that were passionate about African American literature. Ah well.