On another note:

The one below pretty much means "learn from your mistakes". You might recognize it from the Velvet Rope album.

man, i'm high off life. fuck it...i'm wasted.
ME WHIPPIN' THAT BITCH'S ASS! And you know what ya'll? I don't give a damn!!!
People always ask, "Well, why would you be mad at the female? Shouldn't you check your man?" My answer? OF COURSE you should check your man...right after you whip some ass. My thing is this: if a female doesn't know about me then fine, but if she KNOWS DAMN WELL that he is my man then I have a big problem with that. I'm not gonna lie. I have messed around with a couple of guys with girlfriends. The first time I was unaware that he was involved...until the girl came and snatched my damn ponytail while I was walking down the street. It was a set up to get wet up from the beginning. Remember this day Somi? LMAO! LMAO! The girlfriend lived two doors down from the guy. Obviously, had I known she was with him I would've never been at his house...but anyway. The second time, I can admit, I was being a stupid bitch. It wasn't right, but damn if it wasn't worth it. I definitely don't regret it...just wouldn't do it again, at least not like that. The last time was an exception to the rule for so many reasons...not the least of which is that I Loooooooooooooooovvvvvvvvvvvvvvvveeeee(d) him (<--with a capital L). I won't go into detail so as not to hurt the innocent, but yeah. That last time was worth it too and I wouldn't take it back even if I could. However, that situation really reinforced that what goes around really does come back around. No joke. I wasn't put in that same situation but I tell you I went through some shit with this guy and I KNOW that's why.
Long story short: I finally learned my lesson. I would never, knowingly, be that other woman again. NEVER. I can't imagine why Monica thought it was a good idea to put her voice to this song. Some of the most ig'nant ass shit I ever heard. "You ain't gotta go home tonight." Triflin' bitch...what about his damn kids? You know...let me just stop. Otherwise, I will go on forever. DMX look what happened to your ass for not goin' home to your damn wife. You've been all in the newspapers, magazines, AND court houses to pay child support for a child you would have never had if you did what was right.
It's never cute to be that chick on the side. Nor is it ever cute for a man to tell you he "loves" his woman, when he's in the bed with you. These men betta eitha get right or get fuckin' left!
comes into my studio (the man is so on that he got a key ya'll), grabs me from behind, and gives me kisses all over my neck and shoulders. Idris -ahem- Dream Man would look at the piece I'm working on and give me his feedback, which is always positive 'cuz he loves his boo. I'd stand there looking cute in one of his old, button-ups, paint smeared on my cheek. I don't know ya'll, it was just a dream. Or a vision, rather, of how my life would be if only I could paint.
Hate to cut this short, but I just got back from Florida and I'm tired as tired can be.