Went to court the other day for a speeding ticket. The trooper that got me had also gotten about 3/4 of the other people there...what an asshole, lol. I even asked for a warning, thinkin' "shiiiit, my eyebrows are fresh, my lipgloss is poppin', I got this in the bag", ONLY to be played completely to the left. LMAO. I felt so dumb...I really was tryna be sexy! Anyway, so I'm at court...'cuz Honey don't believe in paying in advance when you could possibly have the ticket reduced or even thrown out. I don't know if I just have a friendly face

EVERY man in there, for whatever reason, wanted to talk to me that mornin'. Married, prolly married with no ring on, fat, short, tall, bald....all them niggas thought they was runnin' G.
***I started this blog a week ago....so, so triflin'***
On to the next...
OBAMA! OBAMA! OBAMA! I am so excited about all the possibilities. Since I'm late as hell and all the other blogs I read have already covered this issue I'll leave it at that. LOL.
I've been reading Fledgling by Octavia Butler, and so far it is really good. Just a sidenote for all you who love to read.

Have any of ya'll seen this hot ass mess? Why she ain't tell her mama to take that shit off?!?! I mean she's not ugly, but some moms need to realize that being considered a MILF is not in their future. Let it go. And her man know he wrong too, damnit. Just 'cuz he might like it, he know most brotha's don't wanna see that "mom jean turned club outfit" ass shit. Goodness.
I wanna go on vacation so bad. I think I'm gonna start planning to take a cruise next summer. Nothing major. I didn't really travel too much this year. I went to Jersey a couple of times with friends, of course New York a couple of times with friends and alone
...where else could i get that red ass nose, Myrtle Beach with the girls
(can the church say AMEN?!?!), North Carolina with the fam
Orlando with the boo
One more thing before I go...I hate that we gotta use html codes now instead of just draggin' our damn pic where we want it to go!